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This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2010
After everything I went through in NS, I assumed I would become better at dealing with people.
Today, I found out how wrong I was.
I'm hurting friends I don't intend to hurt. I make promises I'm unable to keep. I disappoint people with everything I do. I hate myself for being unable to deal with all of it, and for being a horrible person, a lousy friend. I try to fix my mistakes, but cowardly hold back, fear of further failure clouding my judgment.
Sometimes, I just wish I could go somewhere quiet. A large field, empty from horizon to horizon. Or a mountaintop. Or a deserted island. And there I'd just be free. Away from everything.
Yet these bonds prove harder to break day by day. They define me, and at the same time, they rob me of my identity. The irony is almost impossible to bear.
I'm tired.
I want to be free.
Today, I found out how wrong I was.
I'm hurting friends I don't intend to hurt. I make promises I'm unable to keep. I disappoint people with everything I do. I hate myself for being unable to deal with all of it, and for being a horrible person, a lousy friend. I try to fix my mistakes, but cowardly hold back, fear of further failure clouding my judgment.
Sometimes, I just wish I could go somewhere quiet. A large field, empty from horizon to horizon. Or a mountaintop. Or a deserted island. And there I'd just be free. Away from everything.
Yet these bonds prove harder to break day by day. They define me, and at the same time, they rob me of my identity. The irony is almost impossible to bear.
I'm tired.
I want to be free.
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This entry was posted on Sunday, July 4, 2010
Haven't updated in awhile, been too busy getting ready for cosfest.
Had so much fun. Like, really alot of fun. Gawd. So fun. And so tiring. I'm about ready to collapse right now.
I'll do just that.
Had so much fun. Like, really alot of fun. Gawd. So fun. And so tiring. I'm about ready to collapse right now.
I'll do just that.
It's nice going out alone, once in awhile
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This entry was posted on Sunday, May 30, 2010
Woke up feeling really heavy today. There's been way too many things on my mind lately, their collective weight a heavy burden upon my feelings.
Morning football helped ease it a little. On the court, the feelings disappear, and for those couple of hours I was happy. Sadly, it only lasted that long. Falling asleep on the train ride home didn't help much.
After a shower, and mulling about at home for a period, decided to leave house and pick up a couple of things I was in need of. Beforehand, I asked around a couple of friends, but no one was available. So I decided to go it alone.
Although in the end, I only managed to obtain 2 of my 4 objectives for the day, the time spent alone sorting out my thoughts made me feel good about myself again. It's relaxing knowing that one can walk free without the stresses of life and people.
Morning football helped ease it a little. On the court, the feelings disappear, and for those couple of hours I was happy. Sadly, it only lasted that long. Falling asleep on the train ride home didn't help much.
After a shower, and mulling about at home for a period, decided to leave house and pick up a couple of things I was in need of. Beforehand, I asked around a couple of friends, but no one was available. So I decided to go it alone.
Although in the end, I only managed to obtain 2 of my 4 objectives for the day, the time spent alone sorting out my thoughts made me feel good about myself again. It's relaxing knowing that one can walk free without the stresses of life and people.
I was searching
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This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I had one of those moments.
The path had always been right there, glaringly obvious to my avoiding eyes. Fearful, I stubbornly chose the alternatives, the convoluted side-tracks leading me to where I stand right now.
The middle of nowhere.
Confusion sets in; the belief and confidence in the path taken shattering like a mirror, jagged shards a stark representation of the broken spirit beneath my facade. Emotions coalesce into anger, first directed towards others, and then towards myself. Frustration follows, a raging torrent held back by the once stalwart confidence, now let loose and furious. Painfully it passes, and in it's wake comes profound sadness, and the slow but sure understanding of the futility of it all.
It all happens in the space of minutes. Hard-hitting, powerful emotions rend havoc, the vulnerabilities of the soul laid bare.
Yet, there always existed that faint glimmer of hope. Distant, yet visible, the right path called out, offering a life-line out of the dismal abyss.
I grab it, and I cling on tight, any and all hesitation discarded.
Once again, I stand before the right path.
Forgive me for being dramatic and all, but I just felt the need to type this all out.
The path had always been right there, glaringly obvious to my avoiding eyes. Fearful, I stubbornly chose the alternatives, the convoluted side-tracks leading me to where I stand right now.
The middle of nowhere.
Confusion sets in; the belief and confidence in the path taken shattering like a mirror, jagged shards a stark representation of the broken spirit beneath my facade. Emotions coalesce into anger, first directed towards others, and then towards myself. Frustration follows, a raging torrent held back by the once stalwart confidence, now let loose and furious. Painfully it passes, and in it's wake comes profound sadness, and the slow but sure understanding of the futility of it all.
It all happens in the space of minutes. Hard-hitting, powerful emotions rend havoc, the vulnerabilities of the soul laid bare.
Yet, there always existed that faint glimmer of hope. Distant, yet visible, the right path called out, offering a life-line out of the dismal abyss.
I grab it, and I cling on tight, any and all hesitation discarded.
Once again, I stand before the right path.
Forgive me for being dramatic and all, but I just felt the need to type this all out.
Clients say the darndest things
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This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 19, 2010
This happened to me 2 days ago.
I've been doing designs for a client for about a week now.
He keeps asking me to 'reduce transparency'. I took it that he wanted it lighter, so I kept adjusting each version as he keeps asking me to reduce it more and more.
Then he decides to call.
Client : Hello? Isaac?
Me : Hi, yea.
C : Hey, I just got your design.
M : Yep.
C : Did you reduce the transparency?
M : Umm, yea. I did exactly that.
C : Oh... okay...
(short pause)
C : Have you even been to our building?
M : You mean ********? (censored so I don't get my ass sued)
C : Yea yea. You been here before right? Did you get a look at the windows?
M : ... Windows?... Oh.
And then, it clicked. I finally realized what he wanted.
He wanted me, to make the design translucent.
On the computer screen.
So like, I'm either Tony Stark, or Houdini apparently.
I've been doing designs for a client for about a week now.
He keeps asking me to 'reduce transparency'. I took it that he wanted it lighter, so I kept adjusting each version as he keeps asking me to reduce it more and more.
Then he decides to call.
Client : Hello? Isaac?
Me : Hi, yea.
C : Hey, I just got your design.
M : Yep.
C : Did you reduce the transparency?
M : Umm, yea. I did exactly that.
C : Oh... okay...
C : Have you even been to our building?
M : You mean ********? (censored so I don't get my ass sued)
C : Yea yea. You been here before right? Did you get a look at the windows?
M : ... Windows?... Oh.
And then, it clicked. I finally realized what he wanted.
He wanted me, to make the design translucent.
On the computer screen.
So like, I'm either Tony Stark, or Houdini apparently.
Durarara!! Shoot
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This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Shot at backstreet areas somewhere near chinatown.
Photographer :
Cosplayers :
Orihara Izaya - Val
Kishitani Shinra - d3athjok3r
Celty Sturulson - Sakana
Heiwajima Shizuo - Seras
Special Thanks :
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Valefor's devart
My devart
Photographer :
Cosplayers :
Orihara Izaya - Val
Kishitani Shinra - d3athjok3r
Celty Sturulson - Sakana
Heiwajima Shizuo - Seras
Special Thanks :
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Valefor's devart
My devart
Not now
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This entry was posted on Saturday, May 1, 2010
3 hours to jamming and I've yet to nail down the new song. Life's just been to packed as of late.
And I'm starting to develop a flu. So much for 'faking' for an MC.
Good thing I've got some meds, should provide some temporary relief for now.
And I'm starting to develop a flu. So much for 'faking' for an MC.
Good thing I've got some meds, should provide some temporary relief for now.
Welcome to Noble team
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This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2010
My new favorite line of the month.
It's kind of excessive just for promotional purposes.
But it's good.
Can't wait for moreeee
It's kind of excessive just for promotional purposes.
But it's good.
Can't wait for moreeee
And... Here it is
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This entry was posted on Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saw this moment coming weeks ago, yet I didn't bother doing something about it.
And now, it's here.
The Cosfest rush.
And it's piling up all my other commitments. Everything's just sucha mess right now.
Must... keep... fighting...
And now, it's here.
The Cosfest rush.
And it's piling up all my other commitments. Everything's just sucha mess right now.
Must... keep... fighting...
Fanart Backlog
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This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I should stop working on new pieces till I finish older ones.
Wait, what am I saying.
I should stop doing fanart and do some original work.
Wait, what am I saying.
I should stop doing fanart and do some original work.
Rorshach Shoot
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This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rorshach shoot at Supreme Court and City Hall, Singapore
Photographers :
Special Thanks :
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Rescend's devart
Swift-wing's devart
My devart
Photographers :
Special Thanks :
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Rescend's devart
Swift-wing's devart
My devart
Then, Now, Later.
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This entry was posted on
- Aizen Sousuke (Bleach)
- Alucard (Hellsing)
- Rorshach (Watchmen)
- Alex Mercer (Prototype)
- Snow Villiers (FF13)
- Walter C. Dornez, Young ver. (Hellsing)
- Heiwajima Shizuo (Durarara!!) - Shoot
- Old Snake, Raiden OCTOCAMO ver. (MGS4) - CF
- Yaag Rosch (FF13) - CF
- Badou Nails (DOGS: Bullets and Carnage) - Shoot
- Snow Villiers (FF13) - Shoot
- Balthier (FF12) - TGCC
- Hajime Saito (Rurouni Kenshin OVA) - Shoot
- Raiden (MGS4) - AFA
- Auron (FFX) - AFA
- Solid Snake (MGS)
- Dark Walter (Hellsing)
- Rei Fukai (Yukikaze)
- Kiba (Wolf's Rain)
- Minamimoto (The World Ends With You)
- Mugen (Samurai Champloo)
- Driver (FFVS13)
- Cid Highwind (FF7)
- Pip Bernadotte (Hellsing)
- Aizen Sousuke (Bleach)
- Alucard (Hellsing)
- Rorshach (Watchmen)
- Alex Mercer (Prototype)
- Snow Villiers (FF13)
- Walter C. Dornez, Young ver. (Hellsing)
- Heiwajima Shizuo (Durarara!!) - Shoot
- Old Snake, Raiden OCTOCAMO ver. (MGS4) - CF
- Yaag Rosch (FF13) - CF
- Badou Nails (DOGS: Bullets and Carnage) - Shoot
- Snow Villiers (FF13) - Shoot
- Balthier (FF12) - TGCC
- Hajime Saito (Rurouni Kenshin OVA) - Shoot
- Raiden (MGS4) - AFA
- Auron (FFX) - AFA
- Solid Snake (MGS)
- Dark Walter (Hellsing)
- Rei Fukai (Yukikaze)
- Kiba (Wolf's Rain)
- Minamimoto (The World Ends With You)
- Mugen (Samurai Champloo)
- Driver (FFVS13)
- Cid Highwind (FF7)
- Pip Bernadotte (Hellsing)
Act 1. Death Cometh Slowly
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This entry was posted on Thursday, March 18, 2010
A trail of footprints and blood in the snow.
They led to a snow covered tree, indistinguishable from all others, except for the silent, unmoving figure which sat against it. Beneath that figure was a large pool of crimson blood, the dark reds a stark contrast against the sanctity of the pure white snow. Slumped against a tree, head bowed and totally still, the dark figure appeared dead. Death had not yet found him, however. The solitary clue towards the figure's subsistence being the faint white mist that occasionally emanated out from his mouth, and on closer investigation, the mild rise and fall of his chest.
Consciousness returned to the figure. His heavy eyelids parted slowly, the first thing in his vision was of his right hand, resting upon his thigh. He tried to move it, unsuccessfully, and he began the fear the possibility of paralysis. A sudden twitch in his fingers rescued his thoughts, and life returned to his blood stained hand. The figure then decided to shift his posture, but was hampered by a sudden pain from his abdomen. He lifted his shirt up, and underneath he saw a haphazardly bandaged wound. Bleeding appeared to have stopped. Gritting his teeth, he tried getting onto his feet. It proved an ordeal of sorts, having to cope with not just the pain from his abdominal wound, but also from his limbs, which had not yet regained their full function. The figure leaned against the tree, breathing quick and heavily. A card then slipped out of his coat pocket, landing upright on the snow below, which would have gone unnoticed had his head not been lowered. Enduring the pain once more, he bent over to pick up the card. On one side was a symbol, a square shape with a triangular L-section cut out of it. Flipping it over revealed something more useful, an unfamiliar address. Unable to make sense out of it, or for the matter, anything at all, the figure tucked the card into his coat pocket. Surveying his surroundings, he found no discernible path to follow out of the forest, except for what he assumed was his own blood and footprint trail. Wrapping his coat around him tighter, the figure limped forward, following the trail.
They led to a snow covered tree, indistinguishable from all others, except for the silent, unmoving figure which sat against it. Beneath that figure was a large pool of crimson blood, the dark reds a stark contrast against the sanctity of the pure white snow. Slumped against a tree, head bowed and totally still, the dark figure appeared dead. Death had not yet found him, however. The solitary clue towards the figure's subsistence being the faint white mist that occasionally emanated out from his mouth, and on closer investigation, the mild rise and fall of his chest.
Consciousness returned to the figure. His heavy eyelids parted slowly, the first thing in his vision was of his right hand, resting upon his thigh. He tried to move it, unsuccessfully, and he began the fear the possibility of paralysis. A sudden twitch in his fingers rescued his thoughts, and life returned to his blood stained hand. The figure then decided to shift his posture, but was hampered by a sudden pain from his abdomen. He lifted his shirt up, and underneath he saw a haphazardly bandaged wound. Bleeding appeared to have stopped. Gritting his teeth, he tried getting onto his feet. It proved an ordeal of sorts, having to cope with not just the pain from his abdominal wound, but also from his limbs, which had not yet regained their full function. The figure leaned against the tree, breathing quick and heavily. A card then slipped out of his coat pocket, landing upright on the snow below, which would have gone unnoticed had his head not been lowered. Enduring the pain once more, he bent over to pick up the card. On one side was a symbol, a square shape with a triangular L-section cut out of it. Flipping it over revealed something more useful, an unfamiliar address. Unable to make sense out of it, or for the matter, anything at all, the figure tucked the card into his coat pocket. Surveying his surroundings, he found no discernible path to follow out of the forest, except for what he assumed was his own blood and footprint trail. Wrapping his coat around him tighter, the figure limped forward, following the trail.