No such mistake this time round.
Presenting... Rorshach's Hook Gun!
The Original

The base i'm working with. Bought it at a toy store near arab street.

And... exposed.

To save time, im gonna use a substitute for the gas cylinder on the back. Found a random bottle that looked suitable. The blue cap is a base for me to make the reel box, which im doing from scratch as i can find a substitute. Gonna move the muzzle up of its original position, and the orange tube, originally the barrel, will be cut down to be part of the hook tip.

First, sawing off the tip of the base. This let's me have a good surface on which to glue the muzzle.

Cut out a cap for the cylinder with a styrene sheet, and glued it together. Whilst it dries...

Measured and cut out a strip, which will be used for...

The circumference of the reel box. Had to hold onto for half an hour till the glue set >_>

Sawed off the bit of the barrel i intend to use as part of the hook tip.

Cut out the top of the back part of the gun, so as to give the gas cylinder a better base to rest on.

Finally, the glue has set. The fumes are makin my head spin.

Cutting out and gluing the sides of the reel box.

At this point, i realized that the front sight was blocking where the top hook would eventually be. Off it goes.

Using some paper, i create a prototype of the hook. Looks fine.

Using the piece of paper, i trace and cut out the hooks.

Owch, my hand hurts from all the scissor work T_T

And... The not-so-complete reel box!

This bit here is some small tube that connects the gas cylinder to the reel box. Details, details...

I measure and cut out some craft foam for the hook, gluing them in between.

Voila, 3 flimsy hooks!

And... i take a break. Went to shower, watch some TV, and wait for dinner.
When my dad puts in the effort, he can actually cook some rather nice stuff. Mmm, spagetthi...

Back to work. Here, i've cut out the bottom of the reel box, so it can sit nicely on the base.

And i glue it in place.

Cut a small piece of styrene to cover the exposed part of the muzzle.

Okay... i forgot to take pictures of this part OTL. Basically i just measured and cut out styrene, glued em together, and then glued the whole thing to the back of the reel box. I shall not forget again.

Glued the connector to the gas cylinder. Will wait for the glue to set before i put everything together.

Using some air-dry clay, i make a tip for the hook and then put it aside to dry.

Okay here i've cut out the portion that will connect reel box to muzzle. It's tiny.

Glued together. omg so flimsy.

Glue set, i join up the whole thing. Hey! It's starting to look like something!

Muzzle goes on. Oooh.

I then retire to sleep for the night. It's tiring making props..
The next day, i wake up and start doing the paint job. Spammed silver over the whole thing. Shiny...

I then glue the hook tip onto the muzzle, after cutting out small notches to glue the hooks.

Hooks on. ZOMGWOW.

Okay at this point, i realized i should have painted the portions seperately, as the gas cylinder and the muzzle are bronze. DOH. No matter, i paint them on afterwards. Sadly, some paint smudges, and i get an ugly stain on the right side T_T looks like i'll be hiding that bit...

Close-up of the front...

And the back... Smudge in clear view *sob*

And my other prop HAHA. Handle not yet glued.

Well, that's it. Took me 2 days of work, on and off, and 2 trips to the art store *grumble*
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