And i'm still burned out from it.
Had a hell lot of fun tho. Cosfest was uber epic. Chalet was rather successful. (cept' for the overload of food... thanks kit)
Went on day 1 as Rorshach. I had like 10% vision with the mask on, but i at least made out rough shapes. Day 2 i went as Alucard. This is my 3rd time doing him, and i think i finally managed to get the look down to about 90% correct. I hope.

Today, we did a photoshoot at a studio. This being the first time for all of us, we wasted a ton of time, and ended up having to extend an hour. Even with that, we had to rush our shots. But we still managed to get a buncha good ones in the end. Will post 'em up once editing is done.
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